The Ultimate Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families

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Do you remember the excitement of summer as a kid? When the days seemed to go on forever, and summer was full of adventures? As a parent, I wish I could bottle that magic for my entire family. That’s where a summer bucket list comes in handy. Don’t look at it as a to-do list; it’s really just a recipe for family memories and crafting the best summer.

Imagine a summer packed with exciting activities. From camping under the stars to making homemade ice cream or some friendly competition by hosting family Olympics. To make things easier, I’ve created a free printable summer bucket list that you can download. It’s all about maximizing fun and minimizing the “I’m bored” moments. So, grab your sunscreen, round up the family, and let’s plan an unforgettable summer together! Stay tuned because I’ve got some fab ideas coming your way.Plus a grab a copy of my free summer bucket list printable from the bottom of this post.

family summer bucket list idea

Why You Need a Summer Bucket List

A summer bucket list is the perfect way to plan as much fun as possible in the time you have available. Crafting a list of activities everyone is excited about helps you stay motivated and make the most of your time, and if you have an unexpected gap in your day, you can take a look at your list, pick an activity, and get the most out of your day.

It’s far better than just wasting time with the kids sitting on their video games. Without a list, it’s easy to let the days slip by without doing anything special. With a bucket list, you can plan fun activities in advance, ensuring you make the most of every sunny day.

Plan Your Summer Bucket List

It’s time to get out your notebook grab your calendar and start making a list, ooo I love a good list, LOL. Set aside time when everyone can get together and work on this. It’s actually a lot of fun and gets the kids excited. Here are some tips to help you brainstorm ideas for your own bucket list.

  • Local Events and Activities: Check out what’s happening in your area. I bet there are a variety of events, and it’s the perfect opportunity to explore your area.
  • Block in commitments: Make a note of any commitments you have. You don’t want to have to cancel plans because you double-booked.
  • National Days: There is always a celebration happening somewhere. Use these as inspiration for activities you can do at home.
  • Variety of Activities: From outdoor adventures to cozy indoor fun, think of a range of activities that suit any weather or mood.
  • Explore New Things: Try a few family-friendly activities that you’ve never tried; they could become your new favorite.

Make the Most Out of Summer

Family having fun, on a sunny day, wearing fun sunglasses.

Summertime is fleeting, and a well-thought-out bucket list ensures you don’t waste a single moment. Imagine having a catalog of adventures ready to go.

  • Variety of Activities: From outdoor adventures to cozy indoor fun, your list can offer a range of activities that suit any weather or mood.
  • Explore New Things: A bucket list encourages you to try new experiences you might not think of otherwise.
  • Maximize Family Time: Having a list of activities planned out can help make sure everyone in the family gets quality time together.

Outdoor Adventures

Summer is the perfect time to explore the great outdoors and experience the sense of adventure. From the beach to the mountains, there’s something for everyone. Here’s are some exciting outdoor activities for you to try.

Beach Day Extravaganza

A beach day is a classic summer activity. I love beach days as they offer a variety of fun-filled activities for the whole family.

  • Building Sandcastles: Grab your buckets and spades and create a masterpiece in the sand. How about re-creating your town with mini sandcastles or perhaps a famous monument.
  • Water Sports: Why not try your hand at some water sports? Have you ever tried surfing or stand-up paddle boarding? Check to see if there are taster sessions near you.
  • Beach Volleyball: Set up a net and get ready for some friendly competition. Beach volleyball is a fab way to stay active.
  • Beach Art: Get the kids to gather found objects and create fun pictures in their very own beach art gallery. Find things like seaweed and shells and even draw into the sand, then watch as the sea washes it all away. Don’t forget to take some pictures before they disappear.


Have you ever heard of geocaching? It’s like a modern-day treasure hunt that’s perfect for getting the kids excited about the outdoors. This is probably one of our family’s favorite activities. We absolutely love going hunting for caches. In fact, my hubby and I will even do them without the kids.

Kids going geocaching. Holding a phone and looking for a cache.

All you need is a smartphone with GPS, and you’re off on an adventure to find hidden containers called “geocaches” in all sorts of cool places. The best part? It takes you to new places you might’ve never explored otherwise. 

Camping Under the Stars

Camping is an excellent way to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature. Here are a few tips to ensure a successful camping trip that the whole family will enjoy.

  • Finding Family-Friendly Campsites: Look for campsites with amenities like restrooms, picnic tables, and designated fire pits. National and state parks often have excellent family-friendly options.
  • Fun Camping Activities:
    • Nature Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items for the kids to find, such as specific leaves, rocks, or bugs.
    • Campfire Stories: Nothing beats gathering around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, and sharing spooky or funny stories.
    • Stargazing: Bring a telescope or simply lay on a blanket to gaze at the stars. It’s a magical experience that’s perfect for winding down the day.

Family Olympics

Head to your local park or turn your backyard into an Olympic arena, call up your friends and family, and bring on some healthy competition! 

Setting Up Family Olympics

  • Game Ideas:
    • Egg and Spoon Race: Simple and fun, and great for all ages.
    • Pool noodle Javelin: A fun throwing competition, see who can throw the furthest.
    • Tug-of-War: Divide into teams and see who can pull the hardest. 
    • Water Balloon Relay Race: Combine the fun of water balloons with the thrill of a relay race. It’s a refreshing way to cool off on a hot day.
    • Obstacle Course: Set up a course with various challenges like crawling under tables, jumping over boxes, and navigating through cones. This can be adjusted for different ages and fitness levels.

Awarding Medals

Make the event even more special by awarding medals or ribbons. Here are some tips to make the award ceremony memorable:

  • Create Homemade Medals: Use pieces of cardboard, paint, and ribbon to create unique and personal medals for each event (this can be another activity to do as a family).
  • Host a Podium Ceremony: Set up a small podium area where winners can receive their medals while everyone cheers. This adds a sense of achievement and celebration.
  • Celebrate Efforts: Make sure every participant gets a token of appreciation, like a small ribbon or certificate, to celebrate their efforts and participation. It’s about the fun and togetherness, not just winning.

Water Fun

When the sun is blazing and the temperature is rising, there’s no better way to cool off than with some water fun. Water activities are a fantastic addition to your summer bucket list and offer endless opportunities for laughter and excitement.

Backyard Water Park

Creating a backyard water park is an excellent way to keep the kids entertained and cool during those sizzling summer days. You don’t need fancy equipment; just a bit of creativity and some basic supplies can turn your backyard into a splash-tastic paradise.

  • DIY Slip ‘N Slide: All you need is a long plastic tarp, a hose, and some baby soap. Lay the tarp out on the lawn, wet it down with the hose, and add a little soap to make it extra slippery. Then watch as the kids (and maybe even the adults) slide and laugh for hours.
  • Water Balloon Games: Fill up a bunch of water balloons and get ready for some splashy fun. You can play classic games like water balloon toss, or try something new like water balloon piñata. Hang a balloon from a tree using a string, and let the kids take turns trying to burst it with a stick.
  • Sprinkler Fun: Set up a simple garden sprinkler in the yard and let the kids run through it. You can even make it a bit more adventurous by adding an obstacle course around the sprinkler. Use pool noodles, hula hoops, and other outdoor toys to create a challenging and fun course.

Local Water Parks

If you’re looking to venture out of the house, visit a local water park. These parks are designed for family fun and offer a variety of attractions that cater to all ages.

Food and Drink

Summer is the perfect time to indulge in some delicious food and drink. Below are some fantastic ideas to add to your summer bucket list.

Pizza Making Contest

Hosting a pizza-making contest at home is a surefire way to get the family involved in a fun and tasty competition. 

A little girl decorating a homemade pizza. For a home pizza-making contest.

Making it a Fun Competition

  • Set Up Topping Stations: Create different stations with all the toppings and sauces. Let each family member choose their favorites.
  • Voting Time: Once the pizzas are baked, everyone can sample slices and vote on categories like “Best Flavor Combo” and “Most Creative Topping.”
  • Award Rosettes: A small award and perhaps a certificate are always going to be a crowd pleaser.

Family BBQ

A family barbecue is an excellent way to bring everyone together for some tasty grilled treats. As well as having a great time eating delicious food, throw in some backyard games and make a real event of it.

Ice Cream Making

Making homemade ice cream is an interactive activity to enjoy over the summer break. You can make the ice cream from scratch, or if you have young children, you can equally opt for a station with different toppings and ingredients for them to mix into ready-made vanilla ice cream. You can turn this activity into a competition with votes on the best flavour combos.

Small Business Challenge

Encourage your kids to think like young entrepreneurs with a small business challenge. While a lemonade stand is a classic, here are some fresh ideas to get them started:

  • Craft Sales: If your kids love making crafts, why not sell them? They can set up a small booth in the yard or even go online to sell their creations to friends and family.
  • Dog Walking Service: During the busy summer months, many neighbors might need help with their pets. Kids can offer dog walking or pet sitting services to earn some extra pocket money.
  • Baked Goods Stand: Instead of lemonade, try selling homemade cookies, cupcakes, or brownies. Kids can have fun baking and decorating the treats before setting up their stand.
Two girls, running a lemonade stand.

These creative and educational activities not only provide endless fun but also help children learn valuable skills and foster their imagination. So, gather some supplies, step into the backyard, and let the summer adventures begin!

More Ideas For Your Summer Bucket List

Engaging in creative and educational activities is a fantastic way to keep kids entertained while sparking their curiosity and creativity. Let’s dive into some exciting ideas that will make learning fun this summer!

  • Homemade Slime: Kids love slime! Mix together glue, baking soda, and contact lens solution to make your own. Without a doubt a messy activity this one!
  • Bird Feeders: Use a pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed to create a feeder that can hang in your yard. It’s an easy project that also teaches kids about nature and caring for animals.
  • Baking Soda Volcano: Use household items to create a mini eruption. Use baking soda, vinegar, and a bit of dish soap to make a ‘lava’ flow from a small bottle or container.
  • Rainbow Milk Experiment: Pour some milk into a shallow dish, add drops of food coloring around the edges, and then dip a cotton swab with dish soap into the center. Watch as the colors burst and swirl in a magical display.
  • Solar Oven S’mores: Make delicious treats while learning about solar energy. Use a pizza box lined with aluminum foil, a piece of black construction paper, and plastic wrap to construct a simple solar oven. Place your s’mores inside and let the sun do the rest!
  • Vist a Zoo or Aquarium: Zoos and aquariums offer a wealth of knowledge.
  • Outdoor Movie Night: Set up for a night of movie magic under the stars
  • Design A Family Flag: Get together to create your own family flag. Grab a piece of fabric to create your flag and decorate it with fabric paints.
  • Learn Morse Code: OK, this one may take a little while, but it’s fun to learn. Take a look at my free Morse code activity kit.
  • Create a Stop-Animation Story: My daughter loved this activity as a kid. Create paper pictures and move them around to create a stop-motion animation. You can even use Lego or Plasticine.
  • Go to an Amusement Park: Pack up for the day and head to a theme park.
  • Go for a Bike Ride: Head out for a bike ride to your local parks. When you stop, set up a picnic blanket and enjoy a bite to eat then have some fun with a frisbee.
  • Visit a local Museum:
  • Music festivals: A fun way to listen to live music.

Free Printable Summer Bucket List

Planning summer activities for the family can sometimes feel overwhelming, but a free printable summer bucket list can make it much easier. With a handy list in place, you’ll never run out of fun ideas to keep everyone entertained all summer long. The list includes 28 ideas, a template so you can add your own activities, and some printable note paper, too.

Printable summer bucket list pages.

How to Use the Printable Bucket List

Here’s how to get the most out of your printable bucket list.

Using the Bucket List Effectively

  1. Place in a Visible Spot: Hang the printed bucket list somewhere everyone can see it, like the fridge or a family bulletin board. Obviously, you’ll want everyone to see it; this keeps the activities top of mind and easily accessible.
  2. Get the Family Involved: Sit down with your family and go through the list together. Let everyone pick their top activities and add any new ideas. Use the printable notes and ideas sheet to jot your ideas down.
  3. Plan Ahead: Look at your calendar and start penciling in some of the activities. Planning ahead helps ensure you’ll have time for everything you want to do.
  4. Check Off Completed Activities: As you complete each activity, check it off the list or add a fun sticker. In fact, I don’t know any kids who don’t love some sticker action.
  5. Take Photos: Capture moments from each activity and create a scrapbook or digital album.
Get the printable here!

Finally I hope you’re feeling inspired and ready to get cracking. Don’t wait for the summer days to slip away. Start planning now, involve your family in the preparation, and let’s see what other fun ideas you can come up with. I would love to hear about the fun things you have planned to do together. So grab that printable summer bucket list, put it up where everyone can see, and see how many you can tick off.

Let’s stay connected!

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Zombie Escape Room

The zombies are on the loose. Will Dr Pepper become a zombie, and will you survive long enough to save the world? Do you have what it takes to find a way to escape before the zombies get you? Try our fab family Zombie escape game!

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  1. Great list Dawn👍 I will be printing a copy of this one for a few of our friends with little people. It’s hard sometimes find the headspace to think of what you can do with your downtime 😅

    1. Ahh, thank you. It’s handy to have ideas for those times when you don’t know what to do.

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